Architecture memories
The article "The Raw Materials of Creativity" in the summer edition of Virginia Tech Magazine was of considerable interest to me. I [earned bachelor's and master's degrees] in architectural engineering in 1942 and was on the faculty of the department from 1947-59.
In the time before and after World War II, the Department of Architectural Engineering was on the top floor of Patton Hall. There we were assigned a desk and a stool. To that, we brought our drafting equipment, paper, and art supplies needed to engage in creative work. By contrast, today, computers have programs that allow one to produce a three-dimensional image that can be put through changes as one wishes. And that can be done while relaxing in an office chair!
Students in the studios would bring radios to play while pursuing their creativeness. But that would disturb classes below. Hence, radios were not to be played except after supper. One student was particularly defiant of the rule. Professor [Clinton Harriman] Cowgill, whose office was at the other end of the hall, heard the sound. Consequently, he went to the drafting room, picked up the radio, and tossed it out the window.
Bertram Y. Kinzey Jr. '42 | Blacksburg, Va.
The tiniest tackler
My husband, Seth Milans (finance '03), and I have two young children. Our baby, Teddy, has left torticollis, which caused him to favor looking to his right and created a noticeable flat spot on the right side of his head. He had to wear a DOC band 23 hours a day to reshape his head. The band is a time-intensive, expensive process, but parents can have some fun with it by decorating the band. Seth and I had no doubts how we wanted to decorate Teddy's DOC bandwe made him a Hokie helmet!
Since he got the band in early April, he has turned heads and even gets "Go, Hokies" cheers when we go into places like Target [and] the grocery store. It taught us that Hokie pride, tenacity, optimism, and a parent's love can blend together in the most unexpected ways. Everyday outings with Teddy became moments of laughter and smiles as VT's tiniest tackler went about his day in Northern Virginia.
Teddy was a true Hokie football player throughout the process, too; he was tough, unfazed, and threw his body around like he'd been playing lunch-pail defense since birth. We are so proud to say that Teddy finally graduated from his DOC band [in July], but that Hokie spirit will always exude from his beautifully shaped head.
Sarah Milans '03 | Herndon, Va.
Fall 2011
to the EDITOR
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