Summer Around the Drillfield 2007 |
The College of Architecture and Urban Studies and the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences combined their efforts to host the first session of Summer Around the Drillfield in June. The progam, "Performing and Creative Arts in a New Era," featured faculty from both colleges. Participants had an opportunity for hands-on experience in the Animation Lab, Digital Sound Lab, and Recording Studio. Interactive presentations were offered in set painting and digital cinema, a glimpse of life as a Marching Virginian band member, and an inspirational reading of Rosa by English Professor Nikki Giovanni.
The colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Natural Resources, and Veterinary Medicine co-hosted the second session in July. Several of each college's faculty and graduate students showcased their laboratories and research on topics related to global health. The program provided a glimpse into the world of food safety, obesity, biological control of invasive forest pests, physiological ecology, and wildlife ecotoxicology. Both weekends also featured programs on undergraduate admissions and career services and provided tours and social activities.
Alumni board elects new officers and members |
New Alumni Association President J. Thomas Carter (mechanical engineering '81; M.S. '83), President-Elect David E. Lowe (business administration '63), and Vice President Kevin W. Leclaire (economics and systems engineering '95) have begun one-year terms. Carter, past president of the Palmetto alumni chapter, resides in Simpsonville, S.C., and is design school manager for Michelin Research. Lowe, who lives in Blacksburg, is retired from a 35-year career in the telecommunications industry, including CEO at Bell Atlantic of West Virginia. Leclaire resides in Reston and is managing director of ISDR Consulting.
Newly elected board members are R. Easton Loving (forestry '89; M.S. '91), Aaron McClung (political science '00), Nicholas J. Moga (aerospace and ocean engineering '76), Gen. Lance L. Smith (business administration '68), and Matthew M. Winston Jr. (marketing '90). Incumbents who were re-elected to a second term were Leclaire, Lowe, Dwight A. Holland (M.S. geophysics '86; M.S. industrial and systems engineering '91; Ph.D. '01), Wayne H. Robinson (finance '80), J. Thomas Ryan (biology '68), A. Melissa Smarr (housing, interior design and residential management '00), and John C. Watkins (horticulture '69). Terms are three years.
New alumni staff appointments |
Sam Albimino '84, '92
Greg Fansler '02
Greg Sagstetter '07
Laura Wedin '84
Sam Albimino (finance '84; M.B.A. '92) has been appointed associate vice president for alumni relations. He is responsible for providing leadership to constituency and reunion programming and overseeing royalty programs, records and technology programs, and management of Alumni Center facilities. He worked 17 years in industry in a myriad of financial, marketing, and leadership positions with such corporations as Philip Morris and Coca-Cola. Recently, he directed the university's corporate and foundation relations, including a focused effort in the Pamplin College of Business.
Greg Fansler (finance and management '02) has been appointed assistant director of alumni relations. His responsibilities include serving as liaison to the local alumni chapters within the Southeast and California, as well as coordinating the Alumni Association royalty programs. He previously served as a volunteer for the Richmond and Atlanta alumni chapters and worked for Banksys Management in Atlanta.
Greg Sagstetter (philosophy and political science '07) has been appointed assistant director of alumni relations. He has various assignments associated with the April 16 Memorial Committee and provides assistance with reunions, college events, and other special alumni events. He served as undergraduate member of the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors and was named university Man of the Year in 2007.
Laura Wedin (M.F.A. '84) has been appointed alumni and student programs coordinator. Wedin has been in alumni relations for the past 13 years, most recently serving as assistant student programs and alumni travel coordinator. Her new responsibilities include overseeing the alumni travel program and serving as advisor to the Student Alumni Associates and Class Programs.