[The article in the summer edition] misrepresents the history of The Grove during the period [when it was used for offices. The article says The Grove] began a marked decline, but in fact the office space was among the nicest on campus. The building housed the Center for the Study of Public Choice, which included many distinguished faculty. The building looked good and was well-maintained during that period. I know because I spent time there both when I was a student and visiting the center after graduating.
Randall Holcombe (M.S. economics '74, Ph.D. '74)
Tallahassee, Fla.
Editor's note:
In response, author Clara Cox (M.A. English '84) noted that as she researched and compiled the complete history of the building—which appears in "The Grove: Recipes and History of Virginia Tech's Presidential Residence"—those whom she interviewed and the resources she reviewed both mentioned the decline. Restricted state budgets had deferred adequate maintenance, and when the center moved out of the building, repairs were undertaken for such issues as a leaky roof.
In the summer edition's alumna profile of Regina Dugan, Professor Sanjay Raman's faculty rank was incorrectly listed as associate professor; and in the Office of University Development's advertisement, the first name in the Patricia C. Perna Scholarship was misspelled. Virginia Tech Magazine regrets the errors.