Alumni board officers and new members
James Smith
Ann Spencer
Thomas Carter
New Alumni Association President James E. Smith (chemistry '66), President-Elect E. Ann Spencer (accounting '76; M.B.A. '84), and Vice President J. Thomas Carter (mechanical engineering '81; M.S. '83) have begun one-year terms. Smith, who retired from E.I. Dupont in Wilmington, Del., is self-employed and resides in Williamsburg, Va. Spencer is the former associate vice president for administration at Virginia Tech and currently resides in Wyoming. Carter resides in Greenville, S.C., and is a business analyst for Michelin Research. Re-elected to the executive committee are Kevin Mottley (political science '93) and Jean Swartz (chemical engineering '86).
Newly elected to three-year terms are Jeanne DaDamio (French '75; M.A. education '76), Douglas R. Fahl (civil engineering '65), Mark S. Lawrence (management '80), and Curry A. Roberts (political science '80). Incumbents elected to a second term are Ronald E. Ball (political science '70), Douglas S. Graham (forestry '94; D.V.M. '98), Joseph M. Harris (architecture '68), Wayland E. Hundley (marketing '84), Gregory B. Jones (accounting '77; M.B.A. '79), Roberta M. Minish (Ed.D. vocational-technical education '77), Brian Slingerland (finance '00), and Jean S. Swartz (chemical engineering '86).
2006 Alumni Directory data collection begins
The Alumni Association is preparing for publication of the 2006 edition of the Virginia Tech Alumni Directory. This valuable resource will be completed in Fall 2006. The Alumni Association will attempt to contact each of the nearly 185,000 living alumni in the Virginia Tech family to include their latest information. To assist with this massive undertaking, the association has engaged the services of Harris Publishing Company, the most respected organization in the business, providing reliable service and quality directories.
Visit the Alumni Gateway at to view and update your alumni profile, especially your e-mail address. Beginning this summer, you will have the opportunity to verify your biographical information in a questionnaire form that you may receive via e-mail or regular mail. Alumni also will be called to verify their directory listings and will be offered the opportunity to purchase a copy of the directory. Both print and CD-ROM versions will contain recent photos of campus as a part of an introductory section. This latest edition continues the Alumni Association's tradition since 1970 of producing alumni directories on a four-year cycle.
2005 Alumni Events
September 10
VMRCVM Reunion:
Classes of '85, '90, '95, and '00
September 17
(Ohio University)
Class of '75 30th Reunion
College of Engineering Homecoming
College of Science Homecoming
Graduate School Homecoming
September 24
(Georgia Tech)
Class of '65 40th Reunion
College of Natural Resources Homecoming
Pamplin College of Business Homecoming
October 8
(Marshall University)
* traditional parade
Class of '55 50th Reunion
Class of '80 25th Reunion
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences Homecoming
Highty-Tighties Alumni Homecoming
October 20
(at University of Maryland)
VMRCVM Pre-game Event at College Park
October 27
(Boston College)
November 5
(University of Miami)
Class of '60 45th Reunion
Classes of '91, '92, & '93 Joint Reunion
College of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences Homecoming
Corps of Cadets Homecoming
November 26
(University of North Carolina)
Class of '70 35th Reunion
Classes of '82, '83, & '84 Joint Reunion
College of Architecture & Urban Studies Homecoming
Nominations invited for Alumni Humanitarian Award
The Alumni Association has created a special award to acknowledge exceptional volunteerism that betters our society on a regional, national, and/or global scale. It recognizes alumni who have given generously of their time and talents to enhance the quality of life for others, whether by making it safer and healthier or educationally and culturally richer. Send the names of any alumni you would like to honor by Sept. 1 to Alumni Humanitarian Award, Holtzman Alumni Center, Blacksburg VA 24061. Please include a brief summary of the nominee's commitment to a humanitarian cause and why you feel he/she is deserving of the award.
There's no place like home
"A Home of Our Own," the new Alumni and Conference Center, is now open. Its three components--The Inn at Virginia Tech, the Skelton Conference Center, and the Holtzman Alumni Center--welcome alumni and visitors to campus.
The next time you are back in Blacksburg, stop by and visit our new home for alumni and the site of many campus events. Stay in the beautiful new Inn at Virginia Tech. Dine in Preston's restaurant and Continental Divide lounge of the new Skelton Conference Center. Visit the Grand Hall, the Alumni Museum, and other features of the Holtzman Alumni Center.
The center, located on the corner of Prices Fork Road and West Campus Drive on the edge of campus, has entrances from Prices Fork Road and from Duck Pond Drive.
To learn more about the Inn at Virginia Tech and the Skelton Conference Center or to make reservations, go to
It's the sixth annual Hokie Pride Day |
It's that time of year again--time to show off your Hokie pride! Hokie Clubs across the country are promoting Friday, Aug. 26, as this year's "Hokie Pride Day." So wear your orange and maroon, fly your Virginia Tech flag, and hold your head high as a proud Hokie.
For more ideas on ways to celebrate Hokie Pride Day or to download an official Hokie Pride Day poster, go to or e-mail J. Pat Green at Hokie69@aol.c