Alumni -|- We want to hear what you've been doing; however, we are unable to print stories, obituaries, or photographs of weddings, babies, or birthdays.
- Please submit only career, retirement, wedding, birth, and death news that has happened within the past six months.
- Because of the magazine's schedule, your news may not appear in print for several issues after you submit it.
- All career, retirement, wedding, birth, and death news can be mailed to Alumni Notes, Virginia Tech Alumni Association, Holtzman Alumni Center, Blacksburg, VA 24061; e-mailed to; or submitted online.
Samuel W. Jackson (ME) received commendation from the General Assembly of Virginia for his service with the Commonwealth Prayer Breakfast.
John H. Cunningham (EE) teaches algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, and physics at Grace Christian Academy in Georgia.
Joseph G. Heller Jr. (BAD) is Worshipful Master of Rockport Masonic Lodge #323.
Edgar A. Starke Jr. (METE) was named by the Institute for Scientific Information as the most highly cited researcher worldwide.
Bruce B. Poehler (FW) retired from AgriVest Realty Services in Kenansville, N.C.
Mark A. Childers (CE) was named 2006 Contractor of the Year by the International Association of Drilling Contractors.
R.A. Boynton (ARCH) is secretary for the National Architectural Accrediting Board.
Richard W. Barnwell (EM) was named professor emeritus by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors.
Jerry L. Little (ACCT) serves on the board of directors of the National Wildlife Federation Inc. and the board of trustees of the National Wildlife Federation Endowment Inc.
James E. Pearman Jr. (ACCT) serves on the national board of the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors.
Hunter C. Bristow (ARCH) is Christopher Newport University's architect.
Michael C. Hewitt (CE) was named global workplace safety practice leader of DuPont Safety Resources.
Franklin T. Overbey Jr. (HPE) is an information technology training manager with Northrop Grumman.
David E. Simms (IEOR) is an account manager for Dominion Metallurgical Inc.
W. Konrad Crist (EDCI) is a senior geologist with Geo-Technology Associates Inc.
David G. Dickson (URBA) is executive director of the Virginia National Defense Industrial Authority.
Hildy G. Getz (EDSP) was named associate professor emeritus by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors.
J. Rodney Bolejack (ARCH) is a chaplain for American Hospice and received the Texas Partnership for End-of-Life Care's Chuck Meyer Award for Excellence.
Daniel L. Westra (MEDT) is vice president of engineering for Philip Morris USA in Richmond, Va.
Erich A. Windmuller II (HIST) is sales leader, strategic outsourcing for international assignment, with IBM.
Edward S. Colonna (EE) was elected to the Hayes, Seay, Mattern & Mattern Inc. board of directors.
Douglas M. Durant (AGE) received the Evelyn R. Rosentreter Standards Award from the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
William C. Lukens II (COMM) is part of the senior staff at Lockheed Martin's information technology division.
Ray E. Van Dyke (ENGL) is director of academic assessment at Virginia Tech.
Katherine D. Asam-Rogers (MKTG) is executive director for the American Diabetes Association.
Billie J. Brickey (ELED) is a staff representative on the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors.
Michael J. Lenaghan (EDAD) received the Mardee Jenrette Endowed Teaching Chair of Excellence at Miami Dade College.
Jeffrey L. McCoy (ELED) was named outstanding arts educator by the summer residential Governor's School.
Mary Jane Saunders (HIST) is general counsel to the Subway Franchisee Advertising Fund Trust.
Joseph H. Wilkers (AOE) is director of maritime systems integration at Northrop Grumman Corp.
Eric J. Shaw (PSYC) is educational director of the American Sail Training Association.
Stephen J. Skripak (FIN) is interim associate dean for graduate and international programs for Virginia Tech's Pamplin College of Business.
David E. Ellis (ME) is principal of the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing group at RTKL, an international architectural and engineering firm.
Steven H. Boyd (IAED) is senior aerospace science instructor of the Air Force Junior ROTC unit at Patrick Henry High School in Roanoke, Va.
David A. Dillard (ESM) was named the Adhesive and Sealant Science Professor in Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Tech.
Robert G. Fainter (CSA) is director of educational technology for the School of Allied Health Sciences at East Carolina University.
R. Christopher Rosenthal (ACCT) is on the board of directors of the Baltimore Estate Planning Council.
Timothy E. Clark (CHE) is director of controls with The Stellar Group.
Kenneth E. Crocker (GBUS) is professor of marketing at Francis Marion University.
Dennis N. Gordge (ESM) was inducted as Naval Air Systems Command Research and Engineering Esteemed Fellow.
Sharon C. Monroe (PSYC) is a real estate broker for ReMax Alliance.
Cathie C. Rasch (ACCT) joined ReMax Island Realty in Hilton Head, S.C.
Glenn A. Costie (ME) is chief operating officer of the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
Patricia W. LeClair (CHEM) is a child advocate with Kristi House and serves on its board of directors.
Sean O'Leary (IEOR) is an MD-11 captain for FedEx Express.
Donna M. Dever (FIN) is senior vice president of performance excellence for Harleysville Insurance Co.
Roderick A. Hall (FIN) is associate dean for administration and research at Virginia Tech's Pamplin College of Business.
Todd R. Maxwell (ME) is a captain pilot for Southwest Airlines.
William G. Saric (EDMA) is a technical solutions architect with IBM.
Kathleen G. Crandell (ANSC) is superintendent of the Middleburg Agricultural Research and Extension Center.
Ethan A. Lenker (EDMA) is superintendent for Jones County Schools in North Carolina.
Karen R. Monson (COMM) is a shareholder of the law firm Alembik, Fine & Callner, P.A. in Atlanta.
James C. Wimbush Jr. (BMGT) is vice president for academic affairs and dean of Indiana University Graduate School.
Jeffrey K. Woods (MKTG) received an M.A. in national security and strategic studies from the U.S. Naval War College and was promoted to commander with VAQ-209 Starwarriors.
Kellie C. Sorey (EDSP) earned a doctorate in community college leadership from Old Dominion University.
John H. Escario (HIST) is senior portfolio manager at Rydex Investments and serves on the board of directors for the Chartered Financial Analysts Society.
Angela T. Glasscock (ANSC) is the SPF operations manager at Integrated Laboratory Systems.
Timothy W. Holt (MKTG) is vice president for Wachovia Bank, N.A. in Lynchburg, Va.
Raymond M. Patterson Jr. (ECAS) is vice president for professional services with ArcSight and also battalion commander of the 116th Brigade Special Troops Battalion.
Marjorie A. Roysdon (ID) is an interior designer for Hart Freeland Roberts Inc.
Jennifer L. Butlin (ENGL) is director of the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.
James P. Crawford (SOC) was commended by the Virginia Senate and House of Delegates for his documentary, "Down in the Old Belt: Voices from the Tobacco South."
Karen Moseley-Mattox (ID) is youth ministries director at Holy Comforter Episcopal Church in Charlotte, N.C.
Lanier (Beau) B. Yarbrough III (COMM) won three awards from the Society of Professional Journalism for articles on law enforcement/legal affairs and government/politics.
Jefferey T. Jones (BIOL) is director of quality at Panacea Pharmaceuticals.
Robyn L. Sharpe (EE) is a licensed professional engineer in Georgia.
William C. Whitsitt (PSCI) was awarded the Air Medal by the U.S. President for meritorious achievement in aerial flight.
Charles D. Baker Jr. (ENSC) is a doctor of osteopathic medicine.
Kristen E. Neese (COMM) is senior communication adviser for the Office of the Commissioner, U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Shawn D. Printz (FIN) is director of human resources for Harrisonburg City Public Schools.
Scott L. Sanders (ENGL) wrote a book, The Hanging Woods, and is starting his second novel.
Scott N. Armstrong (COMM) teaches business at North Forsyth High School in Winston-Salem, N.C.
Damian L. Bieker (ARCH) is a senior associate with 4240 Architecture Inc.
April R. Kees (URBA) is a higher education analyst for the Senate Finance Committee.
Peter J. McCourt II (HIST) is director of mission for the Bon Secours Richmond Health System.
Carla D. Moravitz Martin (MATH) is an assistant professor in the mathematics department at James Madison University.
Steven M. Battenfeld (ME) is a licensed professional mechanical engineer in Georgia.
Michael B. Gonzalez (BIOC) is a nuclear pharmacist for Mallinckrodt, a division of Tyco Healthcare.
David M. Lozinski (CS) heads a technical project team with Unisys in Perth, Australia.
Jason W. Martin (CPE) is an assistant professor in the mathematics department at James Madison University.
Jason R. Rutherford (FIN) received an M.B.A. from Wake Forest University and is director of industry alliances with Oracle Corp.
Adhy S. Wibisono (ACCT) is director for North American pricing at the Hertz Corp.
Arthur A. Callaham (ESM) is an ordained deacon for Saint James Episcopal Church in Monkton, Md.
Rebecca L. Dryer-Minnerly (BIOL) received a Ph.D. in molecular genetics from Rutgers University.
Sheeba Moshrefi (PSYC) is a doctor of osteopathic medicine.
Greg M. Zesinger (MKTG) is product manager at eGames, a computer game company.
Kurt M. Eaton (MSE) is an associate for Marger Johnson & McCollom, PC.
Antonio M. Relyea (FCD) was awarded the Purple Heart for his service in combat in Iraq.
Amy L. Shober (CHEM) received a Ph.D. from the University of Delaware and is an assistant professor at the University of Florida.
Pavlos P. Vlachos (EM) was invited to participate in the Frontiers of Engineering symposium, sponsored by the National Academy of Engineering.
Hunter B. Atkinson (ACCT) earned an M.S. in management of information technology from the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia.
David J. Bailey (ME) is employed with Delta T Corp. in Williamsburg, Va.
Shaun H. Day (PSCI) is an assistant general counsel with RL Corp.
Erin N. McCants (FIN) is manager at PRTM Management Consultants in Washington, D.C.
James D. Rollins (FIN) received the Darla Moore Fellowship from the Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina.
Christopher A. Banta (ACCT) is senior associate with the accounting firm of Brown, Edwards & Co., LLP.
Heather R. Danforth (ISE) received the Samuel Forest Memorial Fellowship and the G. Robert Strauss Marketing Award from the University of Virginia's Darden School of Business.
Bonnie L. Gilbert (FCD) is assistant director of alumni relations for Virginia Tech's Pamplin College of Business.
Randall K. Martin (CE) is South Carolina land development manager for McCar Homes and is a licensed professional engineer in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
Brenna C. Runyon (HIDM) is a senior recruiter for the Department of Defense contractor, Triumph Technologies.
Crystal B. Leiderman (IDST) is director of investor relations for The Allied Defense Group Inc.
Brent M. Timberlake (PSCI) is employed at the law firm of Setliff & Holland in Richmond, Va.
James H. Cummings (MKTG) is an associate at Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP in Jacksonville, Fla.
Darcie J. Giard (ISE) is founder of Scadicon Services Inc., a control systems engineering firm specializing in automation of natural gas and pharmaceutical facilities.
Holly Lynne McKinley (BIT) received an M.S. in information and telecommunications systems from Johns Hopkins University and is an associate with Booz Allen Hamilton.
Heidi K. Scheusner (ELPS) is director of student life and leadership at Austin Peay State University.
Garrett A. Blakely (ACIS) was promoted to 1st Lt. in the U.S. Marine Corps.
Jonathan A. Felumlee (ACIS) is accounting manager for the Virginia group of Enterprise Rent-A-Car in Newport News, Va.
Julia D. Hopkins (HD) received a master's degree in special education from Lynchburg College and teaches in Campbell County Schools.
Jennifer L. Johnson (BSE) completed graduate studies in biological and agricultural engineering at North Carolina State University and is employed by Beals and Thomas Inc.
Vanessa L. Pricer (HD) received a master of social work at University of South Florida and is a clinical social worker for Gulfside Regional Hospice.
Michael B. Moore (EDCI) is an assistant professor and clinical coordinator in Radford University's Athletic Training Education Program.
Brent J. Yoder (GSCR) is an assistant professor of chemistry at Illinois College.
Joshua A. Gulick (LAR) is a project landscape architect at Oasis Design Group.
Megan A. Root (PSCI) is an executive assistant to the senior adviser to the governor for workforce in Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine's office.
Steven M. Schad (CE) is a site planner and designer for Hayes, Seay, Mattern & Mattern Inc.
Richard L. Shelton (BAD) is director of department of defense with Dewberry's federal programs operations unit.
'60 J. Glenn Duncan and Sarah Beth Ward-Black, 5/26/06.
'65 E. Allen Copeland Jr. and Sharon L. McLeod, 12/8/05.
'69 John W. Bryant III and Anne Marie Taney, 6/17/06.
'76 Daniel L. Westra and Regan Cretzmeyer, 6/24/06.
'79 Billie D. Guill and Garland Dean Smith, 5/20/06.
'83 Sally A. Foster and Brian G. Walshe, 7/14/06.
'85 Jeffrey N. Johnson and Heather Serrill, 9/2/06.
'90 Jeanne M. Molumby and Adam X. Piceno, 4/8/06.
'92 Johnathan N. Hawks and Tanya Susanne Katja Johanna Astfjord, 5/27/06.
'93 Erika K. Petersen and David Bryson Noyes, 6/17/06.
'93 Angela C. Riordan and Sean P. M. Riordan, 12/10/05.
'93 Amanda M. Sweinhart and '94 Joshua O. Testerman, 5/6/06.
'94 John E. Slaughter III and Mika Suzu, 12/12/04.
'96 John J. Heller and '01 Kary M. Updegraff, 9/3/06.
'97 Kimberly A. Donahue and Scott M. Sharp, 9/24/05.
'97 Bibi H. Ghousbeigui and Jason E. Dietrich, 6/10/06.
'97 Nani M. Gould and Andrew Jacobson, 12/15/05.
'98 Lynn A. Miller and Jason D. Wolf, 7/25/06.
'98 Janet R. Wojcik and Gregory J. Wood, 7/14/06.
'99 Michael A. Crivello and '00 January J. Slyh, 6/15/06.
'99 Danielle S. Cummins and Benjamin Dennis, 4/1/06.
'99 James F. Kerrigan Jr. and '01 Allison N. Brannon, 8/5/06.
'99 Justin M. Klingman and Sarah Christine Schroeder, 6/23/06.
'99 Patty E. Merida and Kevin Tracy, 7/15/06.
'99 Jarrett W. Rhodes and Fiona M. Grason, 7/16/06.
'99 Matthew L. Sinclair and April R. Bergeron, 6/3/06.
'99 David A. Stanley and '00 Summer V. Huff, 6/17/06.
'00 Catherine F. Bruce and Gabriel M. Petry, 6/17/06.
'00 Heather A. McElroy and Andrew C. Gastrell, 6/10/06.
'00 Dina A. Romano and David Sambrook, 5/20/06.
'00 Michael C. Wurst and Megan J. Allen, 9/17/05.
'01 Jill D. Brew and '01 David M. O’Brien Jr., 5/27/06.
'01 David C. Ferguson and '01 Meredith Foster, 3/4/06.
'01 Cynthia L. Higgins-Atwell and Jeffrey A. Atwell, 8/3/06.
'01 Leanna C. Konowicz and John F. McDonald, 9/1/06.
'01 Joshua A. Lawrence and '04 Jessica Tipton, 8/12/06.
'01 Shannon L. Marx and Christopher D. ONeill, 6/24/06.
'01 Rebecca Naughton and '03 John E. Leek IV, 9/10/05.
'01 Brent M. Timberlake and Carole Yeatts, 8/28/05.
'02 James H. Cummings and Amy Elizabeth Peele, 8/6/05.
'02 Ryan L. Fagan and Matthew M. Carlozzi, 7/8/06.
'02 Tiffany D. King and '03 Joshua C. James, 7/15/06.
'02 Bethany A. Lindsay and '02 Noah H. Schiller, 9/8/06.
'02 Matthew J. Sample and '03 Lauren P. Schultz, 9/9/06.
'03 Adam S. Armstrong and '03 Sarah E. Collins, 7/15/06.
'03 Jonathan A. Felumlee and Dawn C. Fisher, 5/20/06.
'03 David D. Francke and '03 Rebecca J. Heath, 7/1/06.
'03 Jeremy Hise and '04 Anne E. Rebman, 5/20/06.
'03 Jennifer G. Kerr and '04 Peter R. Di Sessa, 7/22/06.
'03 Thomas D. Rea and Jennifer L. Seaman, 3/4/06.
'03 Kate L. Repair and Adam T. Duke, 8/12/06.
'03 Eric C. Warren and '05 Meagan L. LaPrade, 2/11/06.
'04 Joshua M. Adell and '04 Tara M. Avison, 9/2/06.
'04 Charles R. Akerberg and '04 Brandi J. Casbeer, 5/13/06.
'04 Constance M. Cardovilla and John W. Edwards, 7/1/06.
'04 Christopher J. Derry and '04 Melanie L. Griffin, 5/27/06.
'04 Jeff A. Lancaster and Patricia J. Spaight, 9/15/06.
'04 Cheryl Ann Lane and '05 Travis H. Rivers, 2/11/06.
'04 Christine R. Shearer and William Edward Moser, 7/22/06.
'05 Keith R. Frost and Jennifer M. Frost, 6/24/06.
'05 Barry J. Gooden Jr. and '05 Englash R. Redmond, 4/15/06.
'05 Flavia C. Garcia-Gaballera and Geoffrey D. Hulsey, 12/17/05.
'05 Eason A. Park and '05 Erin Kristin Wilson, 6/17/06.
'06 Aubrielle A. Smith and '06 Zachary R. Walrond, 5/18/06.
'06 Stephanie L. Tolley and Myles J. Welt, 5/28/06.
'82 Sharon M. Hogge, a son, 4/6/06.
'86 Kenneth J. Krisko and '89 Michele G. Krisko, a daughter, 6/1/06.
'87 David A. Dempster and '92 Dawn C. Dempster, a daughter, 3/27/06.
'88 Susan P. Day, a daughter, 1/24/06.
'88 Mary O. Houck, a son, 12/6/05.
'88 Mark E. Locklear, a son, 6/13/06.
'88 Karen R. Monson, a son, 5/23/06.
'88 Marc T. Steiner, a daughter, 3/13/06.
'89 Jeffrey K. Woods, a daughter, 3/6/06.
'90 Melissa T. Bales and '92 Arthur L. Bales, a son, 1/16/06.
'90 Brian J. Davis, a son, 8/24/06.
'90 Paul T. Girardo and '91 Pamela L. Robinson, a son, 7/9/06.
'91 Michele H. Dougher, a son, 6/10/06.
'91 Kimberly S. Lipe, a son, 6/23/06.
'92 Beth R. Bucy, a son, 7/25/06.
'92 Lisa S. Withers, a daughter, 7/7/05.
'93 Andrew S. Carpenter and '01 Lori A. Carpenter, a son, 7/5/06.
'93 Amy M. Kreins, a son, 6/25/06.
'94 Kendra P. Biggi and '95 Brian J. Biggi, a daughter, 6/22/06.
'94 Carl J. Larsen and '94 Jean B. Larsen, a daughter, 5/17/06.
'94 Christopher D. Linthicum, a daughter, 3/26/06.
'94 Jill E. Norris, a son, 3/21/06.
'94 Andrew J. Rotherham, twin girls, 3/23/06.
'94 Virginia H. Wolfe, a daughter, 6/7/06.
'95 Eric D. Anderson, a daughter, 5/4/06.
'95 Amy C. Goetz and '95 Christopher P. Goetz, a daughter, 2/3/06.
'95 Chad W. Keatley and '97 Kristen E. Keatley, a son, 4/20/06.
'95 Poppie B. McNierney, a daughter, 6/21/06.
'95 James D. Neddo Jr. and '96 Bridget M. Neddo, a son, 6/27/06.
'96 Michelle A. Agnoli and '96 Nicholas W. Agnoli, a son, 6/20/06.
'96 Michael F. Bianchin, a son, 8/5/06.
'96 Thrine C. Harpring and '99 Lori P. Harpring, a son, 2/28/06.
'96 Jennifer W. Hasher, a son, 4/4/06.
'96 Maureen H. Peck, a son, 8/19/06.
'96 Jason R. Rutherford, a son, 7/6/06.
'97 Jody L. Check and '97 Phillip W. Check, a daughter, 6/30/06.
'97 Steven L. Crutchfield and '98 Virginia K. Shaddix Crutchfield, twin boys, 6/15/06.
'97 Matthew A. Danza and '98 Barbara L. Danza, a son, 5/29/06.
'97 Stuart M. Day, twins (boy and girl), 2/10/06.
'97 Steven G. Dishner, a daughter, 5/25/06.
'97 Rebecca L. Dryer-Minnerly, a son, 4/21/06.
'97 Mara L. Lohman and '97 William C. Bostelman, a daughter, 5/24/06.
'97 Glenn F. Rogers III and '97 Lisa D. Rogers, a daughter, 8/8/06.
'97 Brian D. Sparks and '00 Kendra M. Sparks, a daughter, 9/23/06.
'97 Greg M. Zesinger, a daughter, 8/9/06.
'98 Ian B. DeMeritt, a son, 6/18/06.
'98 Andrew P. Jenkins and '99 Christina C. Jenkins, a son, 4/12/06.
'98 Charles B. Rash and '99 Sarah L. Rash, a son, 11/22/05.
'98 Jamie C. Superczynski and '98 Matthew J. Superczynski, 5/23/06.
'99 Andrew D. Cather, a son, 8/8/06.
'99 Gretchen D. Cline, a daughter, 4/21/06.
'99 Michael A. Crivello and '00 January S. Crivello, a son, 8/14/06.
'99 Christopher J. Hurley and '99 Colleen R. Hurley, a son, 6/13/06.
'99 Christopher A. Walton and '99 Wendy H. Walton, a daughter, 10/26/05.
'99 Deborah B. Watkins, a daughter, 7/11/06.
'00 Matthew L. Christopher, a daughter, 1/18/06.
'00 Charity G. Chung, a daughter, 6/27/06.
'00 Tara O. Scheffler, a daughter, 4/7/06.
'00 Craig R. Todd and '00 Katherine N. Todd, a daughter, 12/18/05.
'01 George J. Flynn III, a daughter, 7/21/06.
'01 Jennifer G. Smith, a son, 7/17/06.
'01 Brent M. Timberlake, a son, 5/23/06.
'02 Candace W. Toone, a daughter, 5/10/06.
'29 J. W. Flynn, 12/14/05
'31 John S. Efford, 7/26/06
'33 Arthur L. Finkel, 8/31/06
'33 A.B. Stephenson, 8/25/06
'34 William H. Jeffress, 7/28/06
'34 Claude G. Turner, 9/20/05
'35 Elsa Gudheim Barringer
'36 William S. Goode, 7/29/06
'38 John M. Fogg, 7/29/06
'38 Edward H. Fuller, 7/11/06
'39 Stuart H. Barrell, 7/31/06
'39 Carl O. Riggs Jr., 9/29/05
'40 I. Ward Boswell, 7/7/06
'40 Thomas N. Langhorne, 8/11/06
'40 L. A. Rhoades, 8/15/06
'41 Edward E. Bates, 8/4/06
'41 George F. Brodie Jr., 8/17/06
'41 Jack R. Brown, 6/20/06
'41 Robert S. Burford Jr., 8/7/06
'41 Richard F. Gaston Jr., 7/2/06
'41 J. Walter Hodge Jr., 2/10/06
'41 Joseph H. Hounshell Jr., 9/19/06
'41 Porter Y. Richmond, 7/10/06
'42 Watson W. Eldridge III, 8/6/06
'42 James O. Frazier, 12/19/05
'42 Carey J. Jefferson, 7/17/06
'42 John R. Phipps, 9/12/06
'42 Rodney L. Webb, 7/25/06
'43 Ernest C. Cutchins, 1/16/06
'43 George H. Garniss, 5/7/06
'43 Mamie G. Ireson, 1/5/06
'43 J. Hugh Ryan Jr., 8/23/06
'44 Chapman Burk, 7/18/06.
'44 Preston P. Dunavant Jr., 7/26/06
'44 L. Jeanette Hamlin, 7/14/06
'44 Joseph S. Johnson Jr., 7/11/06
'44 Oscar Klioze, 7/6/06
'44 F.C. Miller, 7/22/06
'44 Hugh C. Roden, 3/18/06
'44 Charles L. Ross, 8/17/06
'44 Mary Lee Wilkins, 11/25/05
'45 Fred B. Cornett, 7/22/06
'45 R. Garland Hastings, 7/18/06
'45 F. Guilford Welsh, 7/6/06
'46 Charles W. Rice, 7/31/06
'47 Leonard R. Mann, 6/25/06
'47 Wallace J. Nelson, 7/2/06
'47 James Sasser Jr., 6/26/06
'48 Roy L. Farmer, 7/24/06
'49 William R. Akers Sr., 7/3/06
'49 Richard M. Donahue, 8/8/06
'49 Harriet M. Ittner, 7/24/06
'49 Robert F. Jett, 6/21/06
'49 William H. Wheeler, 6/23/06
'50 J. Mack Albright, 2/20/06
'50 Donald K. Bibb, 12/30/05
'50 Robert H. Braford, 7/2/06
'50 R. Dean Carnegie, 5/30/06
'50 Thomas H. Christensen, 1/2/06
'50 R.B. Gillett, 7/26/06
'50 William Z. Lester, 6/20/06
'50 Jesse S. McGee Jr., 8/15/06
'50 Henry L. Moore, 8/27/06
'50 Glenn R. Noffsinger, 9/1/06
'50 Julian J. Pennello, 8/16/06
'50 Richard O. St. Clair, 7/4/06
'50 E. Thomas Steele Jr., 8/15/06
'50 Oliver R. Wilson, 1/28/06
'50 C.B. Wood, 8/24/06
'51 John W. Andersen, 8/6/06
'51 Grover C. DeHart, 9/19/06
'51 Bennett I. Elmore, 9/15/06
'51 James T. Higginbotham
'51 John H. Kennett Jr., 7/11/06
'51 Elmer B. Rudd, 7/20/06
'51 Robert L. Tennis, 11/24/05
'52 V. Neal Ashworth, 9/18/06
'52 Donald F. Bell, 8/28/06
'52 W.H. Bowen, 1/23/06
'52 Patricia R. Devine, 7/29/06
'52 William E. Dyson, 8/28/06
'52 Alvin F. Murphy, 7/22/06
'52 Jack H. Newman Sr., 7/16/06
'52 Joseph E. Peery Jr., 9/21/06
'53 George H. Peery Jr., 7/3/06
'54 John H. McNeil, 8/9/06
'54 Norman F. Pohlig, 7/12/06
'54 Norman S. Strickland, 7/16/06
'55 Albert L. Duke, 3/12/06
'55 Raymond G. Perdue, 8/12/06
'56 Kenneth J. Dobson, 9/16/06
'56 Henry R. Hutchinson, 8/24/06
'56 Jose A. Millan, 1/5/06
'57 Roland M. Dameron Jr., 7/26/06
'57 Earl H. Duff, 8/3/06
'57 Robert L. Mays, 12/1/05
'58 Jack L. Garst, 7/27/06
'58 James E. Gilley, 9/16/06
'58 Robert A. Miller, 8/12/06
'58 Adelaide A. Neily, 7/30/06
'59 Hershell L. Cassell, 8/3/06
'60 Terry B. Clark, 9/8/06
'60 Robert A. English, 8/17/06
'60 Duncan C. Kennedy III, 8/4/06
'60 Wayne Z. Lineburg, 9/16/05
'60 James H. Vaught, 7/28/06
'60 Donald D. Waters Jr., 8/5/06
'61 James M. Black, 9/16/06
'61 John E. Childress, 8/14/06
'61 Robert L. Fletcher, 8/12/06
'61 Jasper S. Moomaw Jr., 8/15/06
'62 B.L. Dennison, 3/13/06
'62 Alfred H. Simpson, 7/17/06
'63 N. Kay Hawkins, 7/14/06
'64 R. Larry Thomas, 1/5/06
'65 R. Lee Carpenter Jr., 7/23/06
'65 John L. Garrison, 8/23/06
'66 Allan T. Dotson III, 8/11/06
'66 Carl E. Hall, 11/15/05
'66 Dennis C. Jones, 2/18/06
'66 Hoyt J. Shortt, 9/16/06
'67 Paul T. Glass, 7/4/06
'69 J. W. Hollett Jr., 4/15/06
'69 Stephen H. Peery, 7/20/06
'69 Sanford L. Wells, 9/13/06
'70 L.W. Shively, 9/3/06
'71 James M. Davis III, 8/17/06
'71 Lawrence L. Fenzel, 9/7/06
'72 B. Keith Carpenter, 6/29/06
'72 William H. Yongue Jr., 7/28/06
'73 Alvin L. Murray, 7/26/06
'74 Michael Newnam, 9/5/06
'76 Raymond G. Adkins, 1/6/06
'76 Marsha L. Hollenkamp, 8/2/06
'76 Cheryl J. Jennelle, 9/2/06
'76 Gayle K. Noyes, 8/21/06
'77 Philip S. Inscoe, 7/11/06
'78 Michael W. Evans, 8/23/06
'78 Judith R. Tharrington, 2/2/06
'79 Michael E. Jackson, 6/27/06
'80 Daneil E. McKeever, 7/25/06
'80 William M. Moore, 2/2/06
'81 Carol L. Ritchie, 7/31/06
'81 Donald R. Twigg, 7/10/06
'82 Tena M. Delaski, 2/19/06
'82 Carole V. Ewart, 7/16/06
'82 Terrance M. Vandenberghe, 7/22/06
'83 I. Franklin Ormond III, 6/12/06
'85 Judith A. Cooke, 8/21/06
'88 David W. Walker, 1/10/06
'89 Ann T. Piety, 3/15/06
'90 Erica L. Maddux, 7/30/06
'92 Margaret S. Murray, 8/1/06
'94 Troy J. Smith, 7/26/06
'95 Amy L. Harlow, 6/4/06
'97 William H. Riley, 6/15/06
'98 Monica C. Roberts, 8/15/06
'01 Lawrence C. Vaught III, 7/6/06
'05 Christopher DiGiorgio, 9/2/06
'05 Patrick W. Elko, 8/14/06
'06 Emily C. Specchio, 5/15/06
Orson I. Miller Jr., former professor of mycology, died on June 9. After graduating with a degree in forestry from the University of Massachusetts in 1952, Miller enlisted in the Army and served in Germany for several years. He earned his master's degree in forestry in 1957 and his PH.D. in botany in 1963, both from the University of Michigan. In 1970, Miller came to Tech, where he served as professor of mycology and curator of fungi until his retirement in 2002. He authored eight books, one of which, Mushrooms of North America, published in 1972, remains a primary resource for mushroom identification in North America. In 1995, Miller was elected an American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow.
Dale Long, former physics professor, died on June 17. Long earned his degree in mechanical engineering in 1958 and his master's in physics in 1961, both from Virginia Tech. After leaving to earn his Ph.D. in physics from Florida State in 1967, Long returned to teach at Tech until his retirement in 2000. In 1991, he earned the William E. Wine Award for Excellence in Teaching. After retiring, Long founded Hearts and Hammers, a Christian ministry created to help the elderly and disadvantaged with home repairs. His contributions to the community were recognized by the local Lions Club, which chose him as citizen of the year in 2005, and the Montgomery County-Blacksburg Kiwanis Club, which named him the Gunnar Teilmann Layperson of the Year.
Jack Ridinger, former Virginia Tech Police captain, died on July 20. A lifelong Blacksburg resident, Ridinger served in the U.S. Navy after graduating from high school in 1966 until 1970. He studied business management at Virginia Western Community College and New River Community College before joining the Virginia Tech Police as an officer in 1980. Ridinger was instrumental in several new departmental programs, including the mounted patrol, which he founded in 1986, and the Mobile Support Services Unit, which he created in 1992. Ridinger retired in March 2006 after 26 years of service with the force.
Wendell "Wendy" Weisend, former Virginia Tech sports information director, died on Oct. 26. Weisend, who earned an undergraduate degree from Ohio Wesleyan and a master's degree in journalism from Northwestern, went on to work at Duke University’s hospital, where he wrote medical stories for newspapers and journals. He also served in World War II. In 1956, he accepted the job as Tech's sports information director, where he became known for his professionalism and hard-work ethic. In 1978, after new Tech football coach and athletic director Bill Dooley arrived, Weisend went to work in Virginia Tech's University Libraries until his 1984 retirement.
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In 1977, Camp Koinonia was created at Virginia Tech to promote recreational activities for people with disabilities. Although the program ended at Tech in 1985 after one of its founders, Gene Hayes, moved to the University of Tennessee (UT), Hayes restarted the program at UT, where it is still active. Today, Hayes invites all former Camp Koinonia students to the program's 30-year reunion on June 16, 2007, in Knoxville, Tenn. For more information, contact Hayes via phone at 865/974-1288; e-mail at; or mail at the University of Tennessee, 1914 Andy Holt Ave., Knoxville, TN 37996-2700; or visit the program's website at |